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Why I Destroyed My Gucci and Prada Things #WifeyEtiquetteBlog #FuckGucci #FuckPrada #FuckPatrickKelly


So one or two of you may have seen my recent #WifeyEttiquetteBlog was a video was about the racism that is currently exuding from the fashion houses of Gucci, Prada and to my horror Patrick Kelly a BLACK designer who I am more frustrated with and Beyonce for wear the diabolical designs, I mean what were you thinking Beyonce.

If you saw it on my Instagram account you will have only caught the 16 second glimps at what was my Gucci bag and Prada hoodie may they rest in peace. However if you know me through Facebook you will have seen the full 6 minute video where I talk about this blatant disregard and respect for the black people of this world and even the ones who are their consumers, I believe we spend over a Trillion dollars annually in their stores – Well, those of us who can afford…

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So You’ve Had A Shit Life And Need Some Help….First Thing, Being Broken Is A Choice #WifeyEtiquetteBlog


adult alone backlit dark Photo by Pixabay on

First things first, you are not alone. I don’t know many people, including myself who can claim to have had a good life as such. Filled with let downs, abusive relationships, cheating, and so much more that only adds to the baggage that we carry with us every day. These painful experiences all take a little something from us, a piece of our heart, our ability to trust, our confidence and the walls we put up to protect ourselves. But what would you say if I told you that you can fix it with a few steps.

STEP ONE: Accept the things you cannot change.

Most of the things that are hurting us have one thing in common, they are from our past and until time travel is invented we cannot change them so carrying that anger only hurts one person and that is you.

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So You’re A Phone Zombie….How Rude!!!! #WifeyEtiquetteBlog


We’ve all done it, looked at our phones when we’re walking along the road, sometimes it’s a quick glance but for some they walk down the road with their eyes glued to the phones, not even looking up to see where they’re going or how it’s affecting those around them.

Walking slowly in a zig zag so you can’t pass them because every time you try they cross in front of you. Expecting other people to watch out for them. Bumping into people and dangerously stepping out into the road. Not a care in the world.

Does that resonate, is that you? Well if it is do you realise how rude and anti social you’re being. You are quite literally a public menace and it’s time you took some consideration for others.

No, I’m not so hypocritical as to tell you not to answer your phone or not look at…

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Where Have All The Manners Gone!!!….#WifeyEtiquetteBlog


people brasil guys avpaulista Photo by Kaique Rocha on

I will be completely honest here, there are a few thing about other peoples behaviour that really frustrates me and the biggest thing for me is manners, or should I say a lack there of. Now, I do struggle with this because I know we are all taught them as a child, but there is a complete deficit when we venture into the wider public arena.

For years I heard adults complaining that children and young people have no manners, but yet, when I step out into public it is the adults that are the biggest offenders, parents specifically are doing a terrible job in teaching children how to use their manners public.

I was mostly brought up by my grandmother and from as young as I could remember the one thing she was on me for no matter where we were she made…

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You Really Want To Have A Happy New Year….Stop Being A Shit Magnet!!! #WifeyEtiquetteBlog


woman and man sitting on brown wooden bench Photo by Vera Arsic on

Everyone wants to have a better New Year, filled with happiness, prosperity, success, joy and good health, but in all of those wishes and resolutions, so many of us neglect to identify the things that will really make a difference in our lives like changing the things that cause us stress, the issues we have in our lives and do you know the saddest thing, often its us. We are the shit magnet, we are what needs to change in our lives for our lives to get better.

I stopped asking for arbitrary things as my New Years resolutions many years ago when I realised that the only thing I should be trying to achieve is being a better version of myself, and when I started making realistic resolutions and goals, life got a whole lot better.

You would be surprised at just how…

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You Think You’re Being Real…..You’re Not. You’re Being A Real Dickhead!!! #WifeyEtiquetteBlog


people drinking liquor and talking on dining table close up photo Photo by Helena Lopes on

Do you know what I hate, people who walk around being rude to people, especially people they say they care about and hiding it under the guise of “being real”. Its not real, it’s fucking rude and definitely not the way to speak to people.

Now I don’t mean you shouldn’t be honest with people, you most definitely should but there is a way to do it without hurting someone. Truth does not need to be any more painful than it already is.

Now I’m a firm believer that there isn’t any piece of news that can’t be relayed in a way that doesn’t cause the recipient hurt and distress, or make them feel bad about themselves. Words are powerful, you can use them to build people up, or tear them down, but if you choose to do the latter then please know you’re…

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Secret To Winning Any Argument….. Don’t F*cking Have One. Want To Know How To Avoid Them #WifeyEtiquetteBlog

This year i’ve Added my #WiferEtiquetteBlog under my @SamYoung841 which is also my Twitter and Instagram so feel free to follow.

This is a self help blog about how we can make small positive changes in our lives. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious but always honest. Anyway I do hope you check them out. Be Beautiful, People.


man couple people woman Photo by Gratisography on

I hate arguments, they’re unnecessary and just leaves us stressed, but even if conflict in life is unavoidable, arguments don’t have to be. You may think thats a pile of bullsh*t, I don’t blame you but its not and I’m going to teach you how.

First thing you need to realise is that, an argument is a persons stored up emotions which are triggered by an event. Now, the event may be the catalyst but I can guarantee it is not the only thing, we’ve been bottling it up for a while because we are a nation of bad communicators and avoiders, just so we don’t have to “say something” in case theres an argument, in fact thats globally speaking because we all do it. By the way, how’s that going for you, aren’t you tired of over the top arguments that are just exhausting…

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Eat Happy:Great Salad Ideas For Smouldering Hot Days

The thing about hot days is stodgy carb-loaded food just won’t do. You need something light and tasty without the calories, especially if you’re trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

I absolutely love salads, I don’t use dressings which means my salads need to really be very tasty on their own. Most people do still raise an eyebrow to what one may call rabbit food, but I can honestly say I have not had any problems getting people both young and old to eat my salads which I am very proud of.

Maybe its all of the colours and flavours that come from foods that not many people think to put together. So here are four of my favourites.

Rainbow Cauliflower Cous Cous for two (10 mins preparation time)

Half a cauliflower (Only florets)

1 Pomegranate

1 small can of sweetcorn

1 fresh sweet pepper

1/2 Cucumber

Blend the cauliflower raw until it looks like cous cous (you can buy it already prepared in Tesco). Add in the pomegranate and sweetcorn.

Finely chop the cucumber and sweet pepper and add it in to the other ingredients and mix together.


The second salad is a very fresh and light classic salad with a twist.

Orange and Sweet Pepper Classic Salad for two (10 mins prep)

1 Gem Lettuce

1 Sweet Pepper

1 Orange (Blood oranges are lovely if you can get them or grapefruit)

6/7 Cherry Tomatoes

1/2 Cucumber

Roughly chop the lettuce, halve the tomatoes and slice the cucumber. Peel and cut the orange – I always cut the segments to take off the skin for a sweeter taste without the pith – Then I slice a sweet pepper to add into the salad.


Last salad in the plate is more like a garnish because it has a stronger and spicy taste.

Beetroot, Chilli, Avocado and Chive salad for two (5 mins prep)

1 Cooked Beetroot

1/2 Avocado

1 Chilli (heat according to preference)


Chop the beetroot and avocado to roughly the same size. Finely chop the chilli – make sure you take out the seeds first – then chop some chives to garnish.


My last salad also packs a tasty punch.

Apple, Celery, Grape and Chilli salad for two (5 mins prep)

1 Braeburn Apple

Handful of Green Grapes

2 sticks of Celery

1/2 a Chilli deseeded

Roughly slice the apple and cut the grapes in half. De-string and chop the celery, finely chop the chilli and add it together.

It really is easy to keep cool and stay healthy while keeping food fun and tasty. Why don’t you give these salads a try and tell me what you think. Tweet me @LBDesigners your pictures and perhaps you could have a go at making a tasty salad and I will retweet them and maybe even add them to my next post.

So stay active and healthy and Eat Happy.

Shop Happy: How to Keep Your Cool on Steamy Hot Summer Days

The thing about being a curvy, nearly 40 year old blogger is I’m not going to tell you to walk around in your bikini top and tiny shorts unless you’re at home or 20 something. Not because we can’t rock tiny shorts and a bikini top, but because we really shouldn’t even try…We did it the first time round, or at least the second.

So how does a demure, curvy, nearly 40 year old keep her cool on a hot and steamy summer day. Well first you’ve got to have the right outfit for the job.


On particularly hot days I always go for light colours because they really do help you keep cool. I like a longish sleeve to keep my arms properly covered and protected.

A great choice would be this Melissa McCarthy Seven7 top, it is light and flowing and still have the layer effect which I do love and the sleeve is long enough to cover the arms- I also use factor 30 most hot days, but days like yesterday, the hottest day on records so far, I use factor 50.

I do like shorts, but as an older woman I won’t go near tiny shorts because well I’m not 25 even if i do still look it. These white shorts are fantastic, also from Melissa McCarthy Seven7. They are a great length, and they’re great for hot days, especially if like me you have big thighs that rub…I know, I said it, its the curse of the curvy person, and it hurts. So it has to be shorts, jeans are just too much for hot steamy summer days.

All clothes from Melissa McCarthy Seven7 clothes come in sizes from 2 up to x4 which is fantastic, and about time that someone made beautiful clothes for curvy ladies.

Sandals are a definite must, and these are really cute from New Look. I love the crochet detail and the colour which highlights the darker blue detail of the top.

So what about accessories. No outfit is finished without some cool accessories. Well I’ve gone for Peacocks accessories for the earrings and necklace. I love that they are statement pieces and really affordable. On the line of affordable, I chose this blue and white M&Co bag on eBay with a bidding start of £5 – usually if you’re a cleaver shopper you could get the bag for around £9 [ TOP TIP: Do not start bidding until minutes before the auction ends]


So that is my outfit for a hot and steamy summer days. For more top tips on fashion, shopping economically and where to find great deals follow me on Twitter @LBDesigners and Instagram @Labonitadesigners.

Why not Tweet me your outfits for a hot and steamy summers day and I will retweet as many as I can. So until the next time keep cool and Shop Happy.